Poop Culture
Visit my other blog, Lost in the '80s - do it now, dammit!
A Friendly Reminder
Hey! Didja know Goddamn Brokeback Fuckin' Mountain is coming out on DVD next week? Huh? Huh? DIDJA? WELL, IT IS! And if you don't buy it, watch it 70 bajillion times and write a blog entry about how this heartrending story about two spineless pussy cheaters changed your goddamn life, then WHAT KIND OF BUTT SMUGGLER ARE YOU? April 4, bitches!
Fine Folks
"...and by hubris, I mean overweening pride!" - Johnny's Greatest Hits
25 Year Loop
Fucking Woof
David Live
The Night Before
Jobriath Was First
She's in Parties
She's in Parties Pt. 2
Tales From the Dragon Club
Tales From the Dragon Club Pt. 2
Okay, California...You Win
How to Sell Used CDs
Previously on "Johnny Is a Man"...

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