A to Z
I have no problem with his list as it stands. I'm super jazzed because The Golden Age of Wireless is one of my Top 5 albums of all time and the CD has needed an upgrade since it first came out in 1987 (!!). It's about time.
• More Phagz on 45 (and by extension, Matty, for all his fucking groupies) are on the way. They've been shot, I just need to edit them. Patience, grasshoppahs!
• "If my baby gets cold and it needs a blanket, it's okay, CUZ EYE HAVVITT."
• Siobhan Fahey of Bananarama and Shakespear's Sister is 50 today and Xo is celebrating.
• This week at Popdose: Get Lost in the '80s with Freur's "Doot-Doot."
• Palin pig root toot Obama peep peep McSame tootsley election peep.

• I'd love to discuss all the problems I had with "Love & Rockets - New Stories Vol. 1," but I'm the only person I know still reading it. In summation - a year for a dream sequence? From BOTH of you, Jaime and Gilbert? And it ends on a cliffhanger? A YEAR-LONG WAIT BETWEEN ISSUES? Uch.
Pretty, though.
• Why aren't I posting much here anymore? Ernie breaks it down much better than I can, or feel the need to at the moment. Is the age of the personal weblog over?
Labels: Phagz on 45, Thomas Dolby
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