Poop Culture
Visit my other blog, Lost in the '80s - do it now, dammit!
the seether's Louise
I continue to live: • Veruca Salt? New album? Really? Decent first single? Really? Really. Nina what? • Now, now Killers, when you decide to rip off a classic rocker, don’t pick Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen. Be truly visionary like The Walkmen and rip off something like Mind Games by John Lennon. • Parody Disguised As Soap Opera Passions is now available on 
– the first week is free, so here’s your chance to get hooked. …and finally, I give you Cats That Look Like Hitler.
Fine Folks
"...and by hubris, I mean overweening pride!" - Johnny's Greatest Hits
25 Year Loop
Fucking Woof
David Live
The Night Before
Jobriath Was First
She's in Parties
She's in Parties Pt. 2
Tales From the Dragon Club
Tales From the Dragon Club Pt. 2
Okay, California...You Win
How to Sell Used CDs
Previously on "Johnny Is a Man"...

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