What I'm Feeling - September
• Kath & Kim an Australian sitcom about an empty-nester mother and her self-centered daughter that airs here on the Sundance Channel. Each episode is packed with quotable quotes such as “Why can’t you learn to compromise and just do what I tell you?” and “Everyone is so self-centered – am I the only one thinking about me??” Favorite episode – the 80s flashback where Kim is listening to the Human League and her mother approves with a “Oooh, they sound so trendy!”

• Record Store Cats, especially Hardcore Steve.
• Lower ab workouts and leg day twice a week now – If it hurts and you hate it, chances are you need to do it more.
• Rediscovering Grant Morrison and Richard Case’s Doom Patrol run from the late 80s and early 90s, freshly collected into paperback

• Desperate Housewives season three – anyone else catch the Twin Peaks Easter Egg last night?
• The new Scissor Sisters album, “Ta-Dah”. Sorry, kids. If I wanna listen to ”Too Low for Zero”
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