Poop Culture
Visit my other blog, Lost in the '80s - do it now, dammit!
Livin' La Pee-da Loca
Close, personal friend Ricky Martin tries to shore up sales of his flop-tastic new CD by appealing to the water sports crowd: “I love giving the golden shower,” he told Blender. “I’ve done it before in the shower. It’s like so sexy, you know, the temperature of your body and the shower water is very different.”...um. ...and he won't come out?? Why do batshit crazy latinos TURN. ME. ON. SO?
Fine Folks
"...and by hubris, I mean overweening pride!" - Johnny's Greatest Hits
25 Year Loop
Fucking Woof
David Live
The Night Before
Jobriath Was First
She's in Parties
She's in Parties Pt. 2
Tales From the Dragon Club
Tales From the Dragon Club Pt. 2
Okay, California...You Win
How to Sell Used CDs
Previously on "Johnny Is a Man"...

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