Keeping time with your heartbeat

I've written about Jobraith before, so I'll just focus on this reissue now, which sounds incredible. The remastering brings out new sounds, moods and surprises that the various circulating vinyl MP3 rips only hinted at. After reading so much about his outward, self-proclaimed "fairy" sexuality, the first and most arresting thing most notice about Jobriath when actually hearing him for the first time is the sheer grit and rock delivery in his voice. It's almost like you expect to hear some mincing queen, especially after seeing his photos, but his rough Jagger swagger takes you aback and makes you wonder from where all the Bowie clone insults came.
There's real pain, heartache and desolation on display here, but wrapped up so elegantly in arrangment and production that you don't notice it at first. It creeps up slowly, surrounds you and before you know it, you're caught up in it. Just like the real thing.
One listen to my favorite Jobriath track, "Heartbeat", and you'll hear the allure and the appeal. Free from hype and the shadow of expectation, it's great stuff. Click here to listen, and if you'd like to learn more about Job, check out the fantastic Jobriath Fan Collective.
Enjoy your weekend, and thanks so much again for all the warm wishes.